The 4th (2020) Young Scholars Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research in the Digital Age
Time :

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Initiator: BNUBS, Southern Economic Journal

Organizer: The Department of Enterprise Management, BNUBS. Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and Sustainable Competitiveness, BNUBS.

Co-organizers: Huazhang Branch of China Machine Press



27, June 2020 (Saturday afternoon)



Live Link:


Forum Agenda




Host: Professor Cui Xuegang 


Deputy Dean, School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University


Conference agenda and guest Introduction


Organizer’s  Speech 

Professor Qi Yudong 

Dean of BNUBS


Organizer's Speech 

Researcher  Wan Lu

Executive Deputy editor of Southern Economics


Group Photo


Luo Junmei, Jilin UniversityNetwork orientation and New firm performance: a chain mediation model based on relationship learning and network response

Host: Professor Yang Jun, Zhejiang University 


Reviewer: Professor Yu Xiaoyu, Shanghai University 


Su Zhongfeng professor xi 'an Jiaotong University

Professor Liang Qiang shantou University 

Jiao Hao, Beijing Normal University


Fu Hui, Sun Yat-sen University: Does entrepreneurial team conflict weaken team members' perceived happiness?  -- The moderating effect of team relationship governance


A five minute break


Zhao Bin, Jilin UniversityThe effect of challenging stressors on employee failure learning behavior: a dual moderating model

Host: Professor Su Zhongfeng from Xi 'an Jiaotong University 

Reviewer: Professor Yang Jun, Zhejiang University 

Professor Dong Baobao jilin University 

Professor Guo Hai renmin University of China 

Jiao Hao, Beijing Normal University


Zhu Xiaohong, Qilu University of Technology "How to have Your Cake and eat it too" : An interactive learning mechanism of Iterative innovation to resolve innovation paradox


A five minute break


Dai Ying from Zhejiang UniversityThe evolution of Innovation and entrepreneurship policies for Agriculture, Rural areas and farmers in China from the perspective of discourse history analysis: a corpus study based on the No.1 Central Document

Host: Professor Guo Hai, Renmin University of China 

Reviewer: Professor Liang Qiang shantou University 

Professor Dong Baobao jilin University 

Professor Yang Jun zhejiang University 

Professor Yu Xiaoyu, Shanghai University


Wang Chenfeng, Xi 'an Jiaotong UniversityThe effect of investment on cooperative r&d performance: the moderating role of technological difference and management difference


Xiao Jie of Ji 'nan UniversitySocial identity cognition of entrepreneurs and innovation of new ventures


10-minute break for conference delegates (joint editorial meeting)

Host: Professor Dong Baobao, Jilin University



Editor of Youth Forum of Southern Economy, Associate professor Yang Xueru 

Professor Jiao Hao, chairman of the organizing committee